General Discussion
In 1966, according to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African-American History & Culture, the Black Panther Party created the popular rally cry, “All Power To The People”!
In 2024, 58 years later, OFAAFÖ 1995 continues to evolve the BPP’s “All Power To The People” by replacing “To” with “OF” - “Power OF The People”. This change to “OF” spotlights the Pöwer within each human, within all People. A Pöwer already within the People to choose to use, not outside the People to be asked for or directed to.
Evidence of this “Pöwer OF The Peöple” can be seen during the current Presidential campaigns. Commercials and other propaganda are heavily directed to the People, the voters, to gain votes. Without We The People, what would this world be like?
Be on the lookout for more spotlights on the Pöwer OF The Peôple!!
Note: We add the “ö “ to “Pöwer” & “Peöple” showing how power improves & People improve when using the ONE FOR ALL ALL FOR ÖNE concept & energy.